Friday, December 28, 2007


Remember sitting on the tailgate?
waitin for the sun to break?
or maybe just to watch it all go down?
Layin on a steel bed,
jacket underneath your head-
stare into the stars without a sound...
Whatcha gonna do,
when the lights of everything that's new
wash out every dream you ever had?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


3 more days filled with fun and interesting classes; then reality can resume. I promise more heart-felt entries- no more walk-by bloggings!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


My name is Stephen M. Donboch. I go by Steve… or Donboch. I was born and raised in Syracuse, N.Y. I am German, and I am Irish. I lived at the same address for the first 18 years of my life; since then I have lived in 18 different places. I have competitively played 8 team sports. I was vegetarian/ vegan for 8.5 years of my life. I started skiing when I was only 3 years old. My first word was “juice”. For the next 10 months, everything I saw or wanted was also- “juice”. I have been in 5 bands and also played solo in several public venues. I can play 4 instruments and 2 songs on the banjo. I had four heart related surgeries between the ages of 13 and 17. I am completely cured. I have done my own laundry since I was 8 years old, at which time I confidently scolded my mother for shrinking my shirt, the rest is history. I can cook very well. I can sew (by hand, or with a machine). Thank you, Mom- the girls in Home Ec. loved me. I have ridden unbroken horses and mucked stalls. I wrote a thesis paper for the legalization of marijuana when I was straight-edge. I submitted an essay on “Why the entire world should GO VEGAN”. I love to eat meat and live on a beef cattle farm with 65 belted Galloways; the “healthiest beef on earth”. I have never called out of work. I’ve participated in programs with the Peace Corps. I made a full length animated film at age 17. My parents have been married twice; both times to each other. I have been to 22 of our 50 states. I have been to 6 countries. I flew to Trinidad and Tobago on a six person plane, 2 of the people were the pilots. I’ve played sports in the one of a kind, Carrier Dome; yet, I have never attended Syracuse University. Once I worked 112 hours in a single week. I currently possess every pay stub ever issued to me. I’ve made nearly a million dollars in my life time, yet have only a modest savings account. My little brother is hilarious, and I take a lot of the credit. My first concert was the Beach Boys, at the Great New York State Fair. I was arrested 16 times during my junior and senior years of high school for civil disobedience, while protesting the slaughter of innocent animals but have no criminal record. My mother is the only person on God’s green earth that makes edible coleslaw. My olfactory sense puts most dogs to shame. I love old Adam Sandler movies. I can be extremely impatient. My favorite color is currently: blue. I’ve been to a regional business meeting at a gay bar, during a drag show. I have had three college instructors younger than I. I got married in June of 2007. Children are sometimes wiser than adults. I’ve known a severely retarded man who, by all accounts is more “book smart” than I will ever be. I swim during lightening storms. My art work was used on promotional posters for a well known theater company; I was only 14. I do my own taxes. I’ve done other people’s taxes. I have custom built 7 houses from the ground up, all ranging in price from 2.2-13.7 million dollars. I change my own oil. I honestly believe that the words: “might” and “could”, should never be side by side in the same sentence. I have tested out of every single undergraduate English class offered at both R.I.T. and the University of South Carolina. I have still not gotten over the cancellation of “the Muppet Show”. I eat hot dogs raw. My wife thinks this is one of the most disgusting things she’s ever been witness to. My roommates and I rolled a rented Jeep Liberty eight times. I like to people watch, a lot. I have set up a sink, toilet, vanity, tub and medicine cabinet, in someone’s front yard with surprising attention to detail. I have spoken to someone in a phony accent, simply to prove that it impacts the way you’re treated. Halloween is just as important for children as Christmas. I have driven 5 hours to bring a friend a spare key. I pop my collar. I have dyed my hair more colors than Crayola has trademarked. I tossed a beautiful girl, fully-clothed, into the ocean in mid-December just to prove a point. There was a time when I skated in vert competitions. Zombie movies are fantastic, even though they never differ in story line. Johnny Cash is both an author and a poet. Mike Doughty is a profit. I hate cats but I have 2. I was grounded once for putting my brother out with the trash. Life without sarcasm isn’t really living at all. I’ve had a love of art since age 2. I applied to 7 schools as a high school senior and was accepted to every one. My father lost his job in 1996 and I enrolled as a double major in Fine/Art Illustration, and Industrial Design at R.I.T. I ran out of money and transferred to U.S.C. where I changed my mind about doing “art on demand”. People who go out to eat on Thanksgiving and Christmas should be smacked silly. By the end of freshman year of college I had 30 piercings. I have seen a homeless man actually use a display toilet at Village Ace Hardware with newspaper in hand. I didn’t drink alcohol until I was 22.I don’t smoke. Both of my parents are cancer survivors. I have no “inside voice”. I’ve been the traditional Central New York angst-ridden alterna-teen, as well as the extraverted life of the party. I’ve wanted to learn how to play the mandolin for almost 10 years. I attended an Anthropology course at the local community college while in high school, I was never actually enrolled. A good laugh is extremely important. My family adopted kids from Northern Ireland for the summers and all I learned was that they put ketchup on absolutely everything. I spent a summer with Canadians and learned that there is such a thing as ketchup flavored potato chips. Anyone who knows me will tell you there is a direct and unfiltered connection between my brain and my mouth. I don’t get cold. I rarely embarrass. I watched the sun rise and set over the ocean, every day for 4 years. I’ve lived in the back of an ’89 Ford Taurus in January and by summer’s end had 2 brand new cars and a 1600 square foot condo. I helped build a house with the Wilmington Area Restoration Ministries (W.A.R.M.) for an 86 year old woman who lost her home to a tornado. I am 29. I own scented crayons, Play-Doh, and my own business. I have been schooled in what “hard work” really is, and I’m not afraid. I endearingly refer to my wife as “Chicken”, but haven’t the slightest clue why. My name (Stephen) means: crown, King, or garland. My middle name (Mark) means: dedicated. I am the first-born in my family with all that it implies. Astrologically? I’m a Cancer; take it or leave it. I have grown to love the south. Some of the best people I’ve ever known, (including my wife) were found south of the Mason-Dixon. Yet, my Yankee blood runs deeper than bones. One of my professors truly believes that I “could sell water to a drowning man”. I have a 3.91 GPA. I have made the President’s list every semester since my return to college. I have a hard time believing that the President actually makes a list of anything on his own. I would never sell water to a drowning man, that’s just wrong. Someone should invent flavored crayons- kids eat them either way. My teachers say I am their favorite smart-ass. My friends agree. My father called me to tell me that he admired me for going back to school. That completely blew my mind. I asked: “Why?”, he replied: “I have always known you could do anything you ever wanted to do. I just never knew you could try so hard at something you absolutely hate.” I decided to go back to school while working on a friend’s marketing homework. I subscribe to the idea that my unique experiences make me a rare find. I enjoy being around like-minded people who say what they think, but think before they speak. I feed off the energy of those around me, but still add quite a bit of fuel to the fire. I look forward to speaking with you in person…
all of you…
Monday through Friday…
from now on.
Light me up!

Monday, December 3, 2007

5 minute Free-Write on the "anti-resume":

Poised over the key board. Ready to demolish the self-issued assignment of creating an anti-resume...What now? I could guess at exactly what that is- no, I'll research. What do I research? Anne Sexton seems to be the founder of the idea. On second glance though- none of the examples online even remotely resemble Sexton. Most of the examples given are "dating resumes". The internet's great right? RIGHT?!
Now it gets amusing: Ask the librarians. They're here to help! better yet- maybe they're here to make you feel completely inept for even proposing such a radical concept to someone over 55. "Why in the world would you want to do something like that? It all seems a bit silly, don't you think?" and "Would you even want to work for a place that did things this way?" YES! Yes, ma'am I would love to! This is the whole reason I love music...the reason I ended up in art school...the reason I just write outlandish excerpts about nothing because it's SO meaningful to no one but me!
I VENTURE OUTWARD. Expanded search: Ask my teachers. Wilk? He'll help. This seems like his cup (or stainless steel thermos) of tea (or coffee). Mrs. Laird? Not sure if she'd understand the compliment in it- but I think she too is just crazy enough to get into something like this! Now for the Psyc Dept. Zielinski's definately gonna dig this. Now to ask everyone I know: What are my most obnoxious flaws or traits?
Here's where you truly learn something about yourself. Everyone who you thought for sure would criticize you- appears at a loss. My little sister, the most entertainingly evil, cynical and outlandishly rude (inagoodway) girl I know responds: "Uh, I got nothin'". And all the really sweet people you never think to ask such a question to, just so happen to over hear your inquiry and rip into you like a pack of rabid hyenas! Ouch. What's that country song say? "Ya' find out who your friends are".

Top2 corrections for the top10

Thanks to someone pooping on my fortune cookie party:
#6 Will further more be changed to a Chick Sexer.
Apparently a machine is responsible for placing the fortunes inside the cookies, and it's all done before they are cooked~ WHATEVER.

#10 will affectionately be changed to Fluffer.
An off camera role that is just as important to the industry.

Thank you.