Monday, September 17, 2007


noun, excessive or rapacious desire, esp. for wealth or possessions.

Greed. What does it make me think of? Being from the generation I am... first, and foremost it makes me think of THE 7 DEADLY SINS oooooOOOOooooooo... but that only leads to the movie "Seven". Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt and the most interesting of all... Kevin Spacey? 1995, holy crap I'm old. Junior year? Damn. Worse yet, beginning of senior year? Augh. So what is greed? I defined it. Who is greedy? Every one I think (to some extent). I personally am guilty of greed. Although I wouldn't consider myself to be a greedy person. Quite the opposite- but still guilty from time to time. In a global sense? Other nations think that our country is greedy. Just because we consume 90% of the natural resources used each year? for leisure, not necessity mostly...??? There's still 10% for the rest of them to fight over! GEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeez- okay, America is greedy. But by those standards- I AM GREEDY! dammit. I eat more food than a small African nation does in a week in about a day and a half- I drive the biggest truck ever- I have a closet full of clothes I never wear- more shoes than anyone with a penis should admit to... so I am globally greedy, but I would give you my last piece of gum if you wanted it. OR my last dollar- what the heck can I buy for a dollar anyway?! You need it? It's yours.

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