Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Settin' Wilk Straight-

Attending the journalism seminar made me realize how reckless I had been throughout the earlier part of my career writing for the newspaper. The experiences of the fair brought the potentials of literacy to my attention, and helped me realized what I could do with them. We were all quite aware that the faculty had the right to sensor anything we put in the official school newspaper. If we could demonstrate to the principal and school board that we are capable of writing non-libelous, unbiased journalism, maybe they would let us cover more sensitive issues such as the suspension of a teacher. We learned that the administration could not sensor an out-of-school publication that is distributed in school, and it was our legal right to be allowed to distribute it on school grounds.


Wilkinism said...

Sounds great in the active voice. Way to go, sir.

Wilkinism said...

HEY where you been? Yr BLOG lookin' unupdatedddd!